In Semester B 2023/2024 I am teaching Infi 3 (advanced multivariate calculus) 104295.
In Semester A 2024/2025 I will give the “Undergraduate Seminar in Analysis” course number 104182 and I will teach the graduate course “Functional Analysis” 106942.
Courses that I taught recently at the Technion:
- “Infi 1m”.
- “Infi 2”.
- “Infi 3” (Ran Kiri – who was a student in my class – typed up my notes in Hebrew, available here). I taught the old course 104282 and the new course 104295 which I took part in introducing.
- The undergraduate course “Introduction to Functional Analysis 104276” and its expanded version “Introduction to Functional and Fourier Analysis 104273” (for which I wrote this textbook, lecture notes available to colleagues and students).
- The undergraduate course “Introduction to PDEs 104030”.
- The graduate course “Functional Analysis 106942” (lecture notes available for colleagues and students).
- “Seminar in Operator Theory 106426” for undergraduate and graduate students.
- The topics course “Topics in Operator Theory” (twice, about various things, especially dilations, operator spaces, operator systems, C*-envelopes, completely positive maps, some RKHSs). When I taught this course the second time, I put my notes on my blog.
- The topics course “Topics in Functional Analysis” (twice, once an Introduction to von Neumann Algebras – lecture notes available here – the second time it was Introduction to Operator Algebras).